Category: Snow

Snow, Snow Falling Down

Sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row your Boat”

Snow, snow, falling down  (wiggle fingers downward)

Falling on the ground

Great, big white flakes  (make circles with thumbs and forefingers touching)

That do not make a sound  (fingers to lips and shake head “no”)

I Love Snow

Sung to the tune of ” Three Blind mice”

I love snow, I love snow.
Soft, white snow; Soft, white snow.
It falls on the ground so soft and white.
Sometimes it falls all through the night.
Did you ever see such a beautiful sight
As soft white snow?




Five Little Snowmen

Five little snowmen standing in a row,
Each had a hat and a big red bow.
Out came the sun and it shone all day,
One little snowman melted away.

Four little snowmen standing in a row,
Each had a hat and a big red bow.
Out came the the sun and it shone all day,
One little snowman melted away.

Three little snowmen standing in a row,
Each had a hat and a big red bow.
Out came the the sun and it shone all day,
One little snowman melted away.

Two little snowmen standing in a row,
Each had a hat and a big red bow.
Out came the the sun and it shone all day,
One little snowman melted away.

One little snowmen standing alone,
He had a hat and a big red bow.
Out came the the sun and it shone all day,
The last little snowman melted away.





Snowflakes, Snowflakes

Sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”

Snowflakes, snowflakes, dance around,
Snowflakes, snowflakes, touch the ground
Snowflakes, snowflakes, in the air
Snowflakes, snowflakes, everywhere
Snowflakes, snowflakes, dance around
Snowflakes, snowflakes, touch the ground




The Snowman Ran and Ran

Sung to the tune of “Row, Row, Row your Boat”

The snow, snow, snowman
Came out to play.
But the children cried, “Get back inside
The sun is out today”
The snow, snow, snowman
Started to run away.
But when he ran, he ran and ran
Until a puddle lay.




Sing a Song of Winter

Sung to the tune of “Sing a song of Sixpence”

Sing a song of winter, frost is in the air;
Sing a song of winter, snowflakes everywhere.
Sing a song of winter, hear the sleigh bells chime,
Can you think of anything as nice as wintertime?





Sung to the tune of “Sailing, Sailing”

Snowflakes, snowflakes
Falling to the ground.
Each one rest so gently
They never make a sound.
Snowflakes, snowflakes
Are so pure and white.
The special thing about them is
No two are alike.





Sung to the tune of “The farmer in the Dell”

The frost is on the roof
(point hands over head)

The frost is on the ground
(point to the floor)

The frost is on the window
(make a window with your hands)

The frost is all around
(make large circles with hands)




I’m a Friendly Snowman

Sung to the tune of “I’m a little teapot”

I’m a friendly snowman big and fat.
(stretch arms out to sides)

Here is my tummy and here is my hat.
(point to tummy, then top of head)

I’m a happy fellow, here’s my nose.
(smile, then point to nose)

I’m all snow from my head to my toes.
(point to head, then to toes)

I have two bright eyes so I can see.
(point to eyes)

All the snow falling down on me.
(flutter fingers downward)

When the weather’s cold I’m strong and tall.
(stand up all)

But when it’s warm I get very small.
(crouch down low)